Florida Museum of Natural History Butterfly Rainforest

Full-spherical panorama photographed December 5, 2004.  See http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/butterflies/ and http://www.gainesville.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040813/SCENE/208130302/1004 for site info.


QuickTime controls are click to stop automatic rotation, press-and-drag to rotate manually, shift key to zoom in, control key to zoom out.

Equipment: Canon Digital Rebel camera, Sigma 8mm fisheye lens
Software: PTGui, Panorama Tools, Photoshop, IrfanView, PanoCube.
Procedure: Handheld, 6 frames, manual seam editing to resolve parallax errors.  Butterfly in flight added to hide hairy forearm supporting camera.

Contact Info

Here is current information on how to reach me.

Rik Littlefield

Page last modified December 21, 2004.